SHED SESSION – Everything I Know About Starting a Podcast
This is a special Shed Session episode, normally published exclusively for Mountain & Prairie Patreon supporters. In it, I answer the most common question I receive, which is some variation of: “How do I start a podcast?” In this episode, I answer that question in excruciating detail, laying out everything I know about it, based …

SHED SESSION: Seven Must-Read Books That You May Not Know About
An excerpt from my most recent Shed Session episode, highlighting seven of my favorite books that you may have never heard of. To listen to the full episode and all future Shed Sessions, become a Patreon supporter. https://www.patreon.com/posts/shed-session-you-97515649

SHED SESSION: 12 Things I Loved in 2023

SHED SESSION: Everything I Know About Landing a Job in the Conservation World
For many years now, listeners have been emailing me with lots of different versions of the same basic question: “How do I get a job in the conservation world?” Some of the inquiries come from college students or young professionals, while others come from folks who are deep into a specific career path but want …