I hope you’ll join me on Thursday evening, February 18th at 7:00 PM MST for what is sure to be a fun video chat with my pal Stephen Smith, Founder and CEO of Onda. If you’re a longtime listener of the podcast, Stephen’s story will be familiar– he’s been on the podcast twice, discussing everything from professional photography to regenerative ag, entrepreneurship to international adventure.

In Thursday’s video chat, you can expect a wide-ranging conversation covering how Onda has evolved as a company during COVID times, Stephen’s commitment to partnering with regenerative agricultural producers, how Stephen has grown as a leader and business owner, how he has dealt with the influx of competition into the CBD market, and much more. We’d love for the conversation to be as interactive as possible, so please have your questions ready!

This video chat is exclusively for Mountain & Prairie Patreon supporters, so current supporters can access the Zoom registration link on the Patreon page.

For those of you interested in becoming a Patreon supporter, click the button below to check out all the options, which start at as little as $2 per month.

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A sincere thank you to everyone who has so generously supported the podcast through Patreon over the years– its means the world and has allowed me to expand the podcast in ways that I never thought possible!

Stephen and I will look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening!