SHED SESSION – Everything I Know About Starting a Podcast

This is a special Shed Session episode, normally published exclusively for Mountain & Prairie Patreon supporters. In it, I answer the most common question I receive, which is some variation of:

“How do I start a podcast?”

In this episode, I answer that question in excruciating detail, laying out everything I know about it, based on my own bumbling, meandering, eight-year journey through Podcastlandia.

I hope this episode will provide a little bit of actionable guidance that will allow you to put your own unique ideas into the world.

To listen to all past, present, and future Patreon-exclusive episodes, you can sign up at Memberships start at as little as $2 per month.

Back to the regular episodes next week!!


Apple Podcasts


… or wherever you get your podcasts!


Topics Discussed:

  • 2:15 – Intro
  • 6:55 – Disclaimers
  • 10:00 – How and why I started Mountain & Prairie
  • 22:13 – Intentions
  • 28:12 – Getting started + endurance
  • 39:25 – Finding your voice, authenticity, and enthusiasm
  • 52:55 – Finding your audience
  • 1:03:09 – Interview techniques
  • 1:08:48 – Finding guests
  • 1:11:40 – Dealing with negative feedback
  • 1:15:14 – Equipment and editing
  • 1:21:38 – Money (least important!)
  • 1:25:54 – Further reading

Information Referenced:

To listen to all past, present, and future Patreon-exclusive episodes, you can sign up at Memberships start at as little as $2 per month.

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