VIRTUAL EVENT! Cutting-Edge Land & Water Conservation with Russ Schnitzer

Russ Schnitzer

I hope some of you can join me this Thursday, May 20th at 7:00 PM MDT for an exclusive live video conversation with past podcast guest Russ Schnitzer, Senior Program Officer at the Gates Family Foundation, professional photographer, and former smokejumper. The Gates Family Foundation has been a longtime supporter and thought partner of my employer– Palmer Land Conservancy— as well as one of Colorado’s most committed funders across a wide range of state-wide conservation initiatives.

You can expect a wide-ranging conversation about the many challenges and opportunities facing the communities and natural resources of southern Colorado. Topics to be discussed include:

  • The Gates Family Foundation’s long-term interest in southeastern Colorado
  • Palmer’s innovative Bessemer Farmland Conservation Project, and Gates’s support of that project
  • The ecological and agricultural components that make southeastern Colorado such a high-priority area for conservation
  • Gates’ framework for evaluating conservation opportunities throughout the state
  • How COVID has demonstrated the urgent need for more agricultural conservation
  • The goals for Palmer’s new office in Pueblo
  • And ample time for Q&A from the viewers

This chat will hopefully provide a behind-the-scenes look into one of Palmer’s most valued partnerships and the strategies and tactics that both organizations use to achieve ambitious conservation goals.

This is an exclusive event only for Mountain & Prairie Patreon supporters and/or Palmer Land Conservancy members.  I’m thrilled to be able to use Mountain & Prairie’s platform to help spread the word about Palmer’s innovative work, so I’ll look forward to seeing some of you there.

For those of you interested in becoming a Patreon supporter, click the button below to check out all the options, which start at as little as $2 per month.

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A sincere thank you to everyone who has so generously supported the podcast through Patreon over the years– its means the world and has allowed me to expand the podcast in ways that I never thought possible!

Thanks to Russ for taking the time to share his wisdom with us.  I’ll look forward to seeing you all on Thursday night.