Morgan Irons is a Montana-based artist whose captivating oil paintings combine the classic style of late 19th-century painters with her own modern-day interpretation of the West’s people and places. When I first discovered Morgan’s art, I assumed I was looking at the work of a classically trained artist who’d been in the trenches of painting for decades… and I couldn’t have been more wrong. Morgan has only been painting since 2015, with virtually no artistic training prior. Her innate talent is matched only by her work ethic and commitment to the craft—she has built her life around the process of making art, which is inspiring and instructive for anyone with creative aspirations.
Morgan was born in Durango and spent her youth in various parts of the West, including Alaska and Idaho. After college in the flat midwest, she immediately returned to more rugged landscapes, working in Alaska and eventually landing in Bozeman. She tried her hand at a “normal” job but found the corporate world to be uninspiring and frustrating. So rather than wallow and complain, she moved on from that job and soon thereafter, discovered her talent for painting. Since then, she’s gone all-in on her career as an artist, and she is building quite a strong following in the art world.
If you are a person who dreams of pursuing your creative passion full time, then you will love this episode—it’s full of actionable ideas around art and the creative process. We talk about the remote cabin where Morgan lives and paints, and why she needs solitude and open spaces for maximum creative output. We discuss her daily routine and how she primes her artistic mindset through hiking, meditation, and writing. We also discuss how she blocks out distractions and her techniques for using the productive aspects of social media while avoiding the time-wasting traps. We obviously talk about the point when she discovered her talent for painting and how she has honed that talent through workshops and mentorships from top painters. Finally, Morgan tells some great stories about hunting for ghosts with her dad, her favorite books, a bear that broke into her car, and the importance of having no “Plan B.” Enjoy!
Photos courtesy of Morgan Irons
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Episode Notes
Topics Discussed:
- 5:00 – Where Morgan is based
- 6:00 – Why Morgan likes solitude
- 8:00 – Balancing technology—productivity vs. distraction
- 11:00 – Morgan’s younger years
- 12:00 – Heading to college in St. Louis
- 14:30 – Family history in Alaska
- 17:30 – Job in Alaska
- 22:00 – Lessons learned in Alaska
- 23:00 – Moving in Bozeman
- 25:15 – Discovering art
- 27:00 – Buying paint and starting to make art
- 30:00 – Feelings during the process of painting
- 32:30 – Learning from the masters while keeping the originality
- 35:30 – Formal learning from world-class artists
- 38:00 – Learning from fellow students as well as professors
- 40:00 – Daily routines
- 44:00 – Meditation practice
- 46:30 – Balancing friendships with her need for solo time
- 50:00 – How the West shapes her work
- 53:30 – Mentors and artists Morgan admires
- 56:00 – A non-painting artist who Morgan admires
- 58:30 – How her psychology degree has helped her art
- 1:00:00 – Favorite books
- 1:04:00 – Ghost hunting!
- 1:08:30 – Crazy bear encounter
- 1:12:00 – Words of wisdom
- 1:14:30 – Connect with Morgan online
Information Referenced:
- Morgan Irons
- Morgan on Instagram
- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
- Jeremy Lipking
- Joshua LaRock
- Grand Central Atelier
- Headspace
- Sam Harris
- Waking Up meditation app
- Daniel Anderson podcast
- Melissa DiNino podcast
- Michael Untiedt
- Jules Breton
- Song of the Lark painting
- Bill Murray story about Song of the Lark
- Florence Welch
- Avett Brothers
- Mark Maggiori podcast
- Russell Rowland
- In Open Spaces by Russell Rowland
- Fifty-Six Counties by Russell Rowland
- This Much Country by Kristin Pace
- Daily Rituals by Mason Curry
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
- Bigfoot podcast: Wild Thing
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