Erik Petersen is a Montana-based photographer, filmmaker, and photojournalist whose work showcases the American West and the many ways we enjoy our wide open spaces. His most recent film, A Few Steps Further, explores the commonalities between backcountry hunting and mountain endurance sports, while highlighting the spectacular wild landscapes that make these activities possible. Historically, hunters and adventure sports enthusiasts have not always seen eye to eye, but through his film, Erik demonstrates that the two groups have much more in common than not, most notably a love for public lands, pushing one’s physical limits, and hardcore adventure.
Growing up in Minnesota, Erik was an avid hunter and outdoorsman– but with a lifelong love for Montana, he moved West the day that he graduated from college. He worked for over ten years as a newspaper photographer throughout Montana, honing his craft and learning to produce high-quality work under the pressure and deadlines of traditional print media. Eventually Erik transitioned into freelance photography, taking some initial assignments that included trips to war-torn Afghanistan and the surrounding region. Today, much of his work centers around the landscapes of the American West, and his photographs and films highlight many of the values that we celebrate time and again on this podcast—conservation, public lands, adventure sports, and interesting people who love the West.
Erik and I caught up on the day that A Few Steps Further was released to the public, so I’ve embedded it in the episode notes—be sure to check it out, you’ll love it. In addition to that film, we talk about some of his other creative work, including a film he’s currently making that explores the threat of a goldmine near Yellowstone National Park and the promising bipartisan coalition that has emerged to fight the threat. We also cover the lessons he learned from his years in photojournalism, and how he manages to balance his roles as a husband and father of two boys while running his own creative business and pursuing adventure sports such as hunting and ultra running. We also discuss his creative mentors and heroes and his favorite books and films, plus he gives some good advice on how to take better landscape photos.
Visit the episode notes for links to everything, and enjoy this fun conversation with Erik Petersen.
A Few Steps Further from Erik Petersen on Vimeo.
All photos courtesy of Erik Petersen.
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Episode Notes
Topics Discussed:
- Erik Petersen
- Erik on Instagram
- Erik on Vimeo
- A Few Steps Further
- Hardrock 100
- Jim Howell podcast
- Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher by Timothy Egan
- Patagonia media grant
- Gianforte body slamming reporter
- Jim Harrison
- The Road Home by Jim Harrison
- Legends of the Fall by Jim Harrison
- The House of Sky by Ivan Doig
- Sarah Calhoun podcast
- Red Gold
- Ben Knight
- Camp 4 Collective
- Harry Potter books
- Crazy Mountains