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I created Mountain & Prairie back in 2016– on a whim, as a side project, with no expectation that anyone other than my mother would listen to it.

Today, nearly 200 episodes later, the project has grown and evolved beyond anything I could’ve imagined. With the help of a small-but-mighty team, I’m producing weekly episodes, sending out Good News every Wednesday, and continuing to capture the attention of a growing number of publishers, authors, and fellow bibliophiles with my book recommendations. I’m also hosting live events around the country and adventures throughout the American West.

If Mountain & Prairie adds value to your life and you’d like to contribute to its continued growth and evolution, I’d greatly appreciate your support.

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THANK YOU for your support and encouragement, and here’s to the next seven years of conversations, education, and inspiration from the American West.

-Ed Roberson


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Aaron Ray
Adam Gall
Adventure Journal
Alan Townsend
Alan Webber
Alec Sheaff
Alex Fisher
Alex Hall
Alex Hover
Alex Machado
Alix Pfennigwerth
Allen Doty
Ally Gibson
Amanda Bell
Amber Brusak
Amanda Mansfield
Amy Winter
Andrea Heide
Andrew Daniels
Andrew Finn
Andrew Gregovich
Andrew Schlaepfer
Anna Brones
Anna LoPinto
Anne and Steve Busch
Anthony James
Anthony Ufkes
Antonia Malchik
April Meeker
Ashlee Sack
August Thurmer
Beau Kelly
Becca Aceto
Ben Clary
Ben Padilla
Benjamin June
Bethany Busa
Betsy & Knox Morrison
Bill Bryant
Bill Hodge
Blake Parsons
Bob Johnson
Bobby Gill
Brad Berryhill
Brad Gorman
Bradley Provence
Bradley Rogers
Bradyn Shock
Brendan McDonald
Brent Umphlett
Bret Richmond
Bridget LaRock
Bryan Royal
Brynn Murphy
Caity Johnson
Caleb Rawson
Cam Torrens
Cary Dupuy
Caryl A.B. Brown
Cate Havstad
Catherine Reus
Cayla Vidmar
Chip Parker
Chloe Nostrant
Chris Elise
Chris Hall
Chris Kearney
Chris Kurtz
Christian Shea
Christine Huber
Christopher Canfield
Christopher Lynn
Christy Sing Robertson
Cindy Trim
Clay Cade
Clay Walberg
Clifford Rames
Cody Martin
Colin Cheek
Connor Coleman
Cori Lark
Corinne Elizabeth White
Cortland Wolfe
Courtney Bennett
Craig Davidson
Dan & Jennifer Skeeters
Dani Vergés
Danielle Davis
Danielle Gary
Daren Nordhagen
Darrin Dino Gambelin
Dave Herrero
Dave Wood
David Bess
David Braun
David Jeffords
David McBee
David Ward
Dawn Dennison
Deb Nicoll
Dennis Miller
Derek Doran
Derek Michael Dillon
Devin Mattson
Devin Visciano
Dillon O’Hare
Don Matthewson
Don Sanborn
Douglas Bensen
Douglas Eisenberg
Eddie Thomas
Elijah Myrick
Elisabeth Kokesh-Carhart
Ellie Gage
Emily Bulder
Emily Downing
Emily Lewis
Emily Sinclair
Eric Judd
Eric Walker
Erin Sullivan
Erin Wheat
Eva Greenberg
FM Weld
Francie Dittmer
Gabe Fancher
Gabe Larson
Garrett Gordy
Gian Visciano
Glen Jeffries
Gordon McCrae
Greg Spier
Haley Nord
Hans Allhoff
Heather Thompson
Heather Thompson
Hilary Bullock
Holly Wielkoszewski
Hugh Hughs
Isaac Morton
Jackson Moller
Jade Antoine
Jake Collins
James M. Decker
Jared Kerst
Jason Corzine
Jason Osterman
Jason Renfro
Jay Kleberg
Jeremy Krones
Jeanine McColgan
Jeff Hanes
Jeff Stephens
Jeffrey Reed
Jen Livsey
Jennifer Knoetgen
Jennifer MacKenzie
Jennifer McKenny
Jesse Womack
Jessica Kelley
Jill Bailor
Jill Olsen
Jim Howell
Jim Mahan
Joe Eck
Joe Fitzsimons
Joe Lavorini
Joe Schobert
John Barker
John Dunaway
John Gioia
John Gunn
John Houston
John C. Kinsey
Jon Hunley
Jordan Cohen
Jordan Stanton
Josh Olsen
Josh Lavelle
Joshua Jenkins
Joshua Stolz
JT Stumpf
Juanita Vero
Julie Gordon
Justin Giovagnoli
Justin Hancock
Kaci Bergstrom
Kari Andresen
Karli Lewis
Kate Morrison
Katie Cibulsky
Katie Falkenberg
Katy Wolf
Kathy Dudley
Katy Hoskins
Keiko Moody
Kelly Beevers
Kelly McDermott
Kelsey Johnson
Kelsey Kaiserlian
Ken Jacobsen
Ken Wittekiend
Kendra Woodlee
Kent Vertrees
Kent Reeves
Kerry Darrington
Kevin Mirsky
Killian Lord
Kimberly Paxton-Hagner
Kris Svendsen
Kristen Barbaree
Kristen Dikeman
Kristin G
Kritt Moore
Laura Burt
Laura Hartt
Laura Turbe
Lauren Ohlson
Lauren Page
Lauren Swett
Lee Hopkins
Lily Bliss
Lindsey Hinmon
Lisa & Eric Hillerns
Liz Lynch
Luke Abraham
Luke Coffey
Madison Hylton
Marguerite Aceto
Mark Brooks
Mark Giffith
Mark Humphreys
Mark McCord
Martin Beauchamp
Mary Arnold
Mary Lamy
Mason Gravley
Mason Wiebe
Matt Davis
Matt Hansen
Matt Hogan
Matt McNally
Matt Nuñez
Matt Skoglund
Matthew Hessler
Max Deazevedo
Maycee Reeder
Mei San Tang
Melissa Daruna
Mia Tramz
Michael Elza
Mickey Orta
Michael Skowronek
Michael Van Osch
Mike Foote
Mike Foote (yes, there are two Mike Footes!)
Mitsu Iwasaki
Molly Baldrige
Mona & Jim Dowding
Nan El
Nancy Mendelsohn
Nancy Nunes, LCSW
Nate Melugin
Nate Pitts
Neil Crescenti
Nicholas Potter
Nick Myers
Nikki Lamagna
Norman Reitter
Olivia Trim
Palinor Velasco
Patrick P.
Patrick Creeden
Peter Skoglund
PJ Holliday
Prairie Fire
R. A. Burrell
R.T. White
Rachel Holscher
Rafael Mendez
Raleigh White
Randy Batc
Reagan Kneese
Rebecca Windell
Renae Lydum
Rick Schwertfeger
Rick Wittenbraker
Richard Harrington
Rob Martin
Robin Kelson
Rocky Mountain Land Library
Romey Swanson
Ross Harmon
Ryan Walquist
Rylan Charlton
Ryley Rush
Sam Dunn
Sam Jensen
Sam Ryerson
Samantha Robinson
Sarah & Joe King
Sarah Knight
Sarah Crittenden
Scott & Patty Mengel
Scott Rutz
Scott Smith
Scott Strickland
Scott Talbot
Scott Walker
Sean Sharp
Seb Saul
Sebastian Tsocanos
Sessann Orne
Seth Richardson
Shad Murib
Shawn Donley
Shauna Sherick
Shelley Svendsen
Sinjin Eberle
Skylar Elliott Casey
Sophie Graf
Stephan Donche
Stephan Slingerland
Steve Brindle
Steve Rhines
Steven Tyndall
Stonefly Nets
Sue Grubbs
Susan Ruddell Ramonat
Suzanne Miller
Tammy Wetzel
Taylour Wilson
Tess Varner
Tim Cross
Tim Hammerich
Tim Leddy
Todd Bacon
Todd Ulizio
Tom & Laura Havstad
Tom Cole
Tom Howick
Tom Knight
Tom Paragi
Tony Pitts
Troy Ellenburg
Trenton Kissee
Trever Stolte
Tyler Garwood
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Scott
Vaughn Johnson
Watson Betts
West Lambert
Zach Buckallew
Zach Millimet
Zachary Harris
Zak Tayer